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Rainbow Pregnancies

Rainbow Pregnancies and Babies

Having a rainbow pregnancy was just as difficult as I imagined it would be. My emotions were high, and I was never really able to fully enjoy the pregnancy. I worried. I missed our daughter April. I, at times, wished it was April instead. I didn't fully believe my baby would be ok until he was placed into my arms.

A rainbow pregnancy is an experience unlike any other. Especially a rainbow pregnancy after a termination for medical reasons.

Follow My Rainbow Pregnancy Week By Week

I wrote updates throughout my rainbow pregancy. I had complications with this pregnancy (cholestasis), and I was already terrified after having lost April Rey. It was quite the emotional journey.

My Rainbow Baby

I made it. I made it through the rainbow pregnancy with a healthy baby. I am so glad to be on the other side now. It was such a hard process. My emotions have been a whirlwind and just all over the place.

A Must Have Book to Read to Your Rainbow Baby

We talk to William about April Rey. We tell him that he has two big sisters- one living, and one we lost far too soon. We want him to know her.