Hi fellow TFMR moms & dads- I am a TFMR mom and clinical psychologist. I made the excruciating “decision” to terminate my very wanted pregnancy for medical reasons at 23 weeks 5 days on April 2, 2021 as my baby’s brain did not develop properly. I miss my Shayla girl so incredibly much- I’ll never have enough words to describe my love and grief for her.
In search for my own therapy following my TFMR, I have been struck by the lack of therapy resources for TFMR moms. The Facebook group like this one has been the most helpful in my healing process but so many providers are ill-equipped. My own doctor who performed my D&E said she would refer her patients to me because she had “no idea where to send them”. Thats why I would like to create therapy resources for TFMR moms— so TFMR moms know exactly where to find the best help.
As of now, I would like to create these main resources:
*TFMR therapy directory based on location (where I talk to every clinician who goes on the list to make sure they are equipped),
*TFMR postpartum “what to expect” flyers (It was very traumatic when my milk came in and I had NO idea what to expect)
*How to help a loved one after their TFMR tip sheet (to relieve moms the burden of educating everyone around them) &
*TFMR therapy (a therapy for TFMR moms by TFMR moms)
As a Certified Cognitive Behavioral Therapist, I am wanting to draw from the current research and my own clinical practice to create a therapy that is both validating and effective to help TFMR parents. (I.e., there will be modules on “how to cope with your postpartum body without your baby”; “working with guilt and shame”; “evidence-based mindfulness tools to cope”; “moving through grief”; “increasing self-compassion”, etc.)
This is where you come in. I want this therapy to be created from the ground up with TFMR moms at the center. I have created a short survey where I invite you to share your own experiences and tell me what you have wanted from your therapist or even, where your therapy went wrong.
***If you provide your email, I will separate all emails from your responses so that your response will remain anonymous. You can also provide your feedback anonymously by not providing an email.***
I will keep you updated throughout the process if you would like. I am doing this out of necessity since I don’t want another TFMR mom to feel lost in getting professional help.
Survey: https://forms.gle/gw7XuUXX31knURtd7
Erica Rozmid, Ph.D.