We have started a tradition every year of raising money to go to a good cause, in honor of April Rey. We do this around her birthday 8/8 in her memory.
What would have been April’s 2nd birthday is quickly approaching. I won’t be able to run the race this year, but we are still raising funds.
Because the perinatal palliative care team at Hopkins was truly amazing and such a gift to us, we have started a tradition of raising money specifically for this program every year.
Last year we raised over $1000 to send their way (largely thanks to many of you). That is so many parents that will now be able to find help and be given keepsakes. It makes my heart so happy.
This year we are hoping to do the same. And, I have a new tradition that we will be starting this year:
Anyone that makes a donation of $5 or more, will be able to put their Angel’s name on a t-shirt to be honored and remembered.
AND, everyone will be able to purchase the t-shirts separately if you choose to do so and have one to keep.
On September 15th, I’ll close donations for the t-shirts, and get the t-shirts finalized. At that point, a link to purchase the shirts will become available.
We can all have our shirts for October- baby loss awareness month.
100% of the donations go to the perinatal palliative care team at Hopkins to help parents like us going through this.
And 100% of any profit form the t-shirt sales will also go to the palliative care team.
If you’d like to join in making donations this year, please do so here: https://support.hopkinschildrens.org/run/aprilrey
You can start donating now!
Just put your donation amount, name and email. In the message section, if you’d like your Angel’s name added to the shirt (and have donated $5 or more), please write it exactly how you’d like it to read. Feel free to include birth/death date as well.
For example, we are putting “April Rey 8/8/17”
This is what the shirt will look like:

There will be multiple colors, styles, and sizes to choose from. And I’ll be making kid sizes as well.