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One Week Until Induction Day

I’ve been quiet on the blog recently… just taking everything in, and well there honestly hasn’t been much to write on. There hasn’t been any…

“You Just Have The One Child?”

Caroline had her preschool orientation today. The children played, they interacted, and they met the teachers. The parents talked with other parents, and had a…

Our Visit To The Hopkins Fetal Therapy Group

Yesterday was our appointment with the Fetal Therapy group at Johns Hopkins Hospital. We met with their genetic counselor, and then had an ultrasound done…

In Honor Of April Rey- A Donation That Can Save …

When we learned of April Rey’s condition, our first thought was that her life could serve a purpose by helping others. Unfortunately, we quickly learned…

Trisomy 13 April Rey’s 17 Week Anatomy Scan

Today we had our anatomy scan. This appointment has been scheduled for awhile- long before we even knew that April had trisomy 13. I wasn’t…

The Worst Fears That I HATE Admitting About The Trisomy 13 …

There are a lot of people following this journey with us, and I am so very thankful that everyone is allowing me to write what…

Getting More Information & Our Plan Moving Forward

With a full trisomy 13 diagnosis, and almost 100% of April Rey’s cells representing the chromosomal abnormality, it seems like a straight forward diagnosis. And,…